Clay Cocalis
Foreman of the Lorena Bobbitt Trial
Remember those really weird crimes and experiences we all saw growing up? Things like the Space Shuttle Challenger exploding, the fall of the Berlin Wall, President Ronald Reagan getting shot, the OJ Simpson case, Lorena Bobbitt chopping off her husband’s penis and chucking it out her car window as she drove by a 7-11.
This week on Duffified Live, Chef Brian Duffy sits down with Clay Cocalis, the foreman of the Lorena Bobbitt jury. Can you believe it’s been 25 years since Bobbitt lopped off her husband’s unit? Hard to believe, uh?
Clay dishes on the entire trial, his thoughts throughout the process, and the sheer insanity in and out of the courtroom that surrounded the trial.
This is one episode you don’t want to miss!
This week’s episode of Duffified Live is presented by CAKE, which is is the Point of Sale system that lets bar & restaurant owners focus on the guest experience. Stop worrying about tracking every sale – CAKE does that for you. You can automatically save information and review it later, from anywhere. That means you can actually take days off, which can be pretty rare in the restaurant business. So, restaurant owners, go to trycake.com/duffy and take a look. CAKE makes it easy!